MBA in Integrated Management

MBA in Integrated

Master's degree program for managers - also for practitioners without a university entrance qualification

Your advantages: For employees

Our future-oriented MBA in Integrated Management offers managers a solid foundation for a successful career.

The online program is also accessible without a university entrance qualification and promotes authentic, visionary and efficient leaders.

The social blended learning concept supports self-organization, flexibility and practical orientation through challenging practical projects. Our AI-supported Learning Experience Platform develops adaptive learning paths and provides needs-based content.

The MBA expands leadership and management skills, opens up new career perspectives and enables the direct application of learned concepts in the work environment. In addition, our learning concept gives you a high degree of flexibility so that you can complete your studies while working.

Your advantages: For employers

Invest in future skills and thus in the future viability of your managers with our MBA in Integrated Management at Steinbeis University.

The career-integrated course enables the targeted, self-organized development of values and skills for future challenges using innovative learning methods and an AI-based learning experience platform. This promotes effective entrepreneurial action and leadership, the management of personnel, the implementation of strategic goals, classic and agile project management and the implementation of successful marketing and sales concepts at home and abroad.

Your advantage: Your managers will work on challenging practical projects in this program, which will bring your company concrete benefits that may exceed the costs of the course, and in the process expand their leadership skills.

What the MBA in Integrated Management offers


FIBAA-accredited and state-recognized degree from Steinbeis University, which opens up new career opportunities.

Without a university entrance qualification

This MBA degree is also possible without a university entrance qualification if you have the relevant practical experience.

Online study

We offer you an online-based, flexible and self-organized learning experience in the Social Blended Learning concept.

Future Learning

Study while working in individual practical projects. With us, you learn in the work process and not just from textbooks.

Education & Career

This MBA enables you to continue your education while taking the next steps in your career.


FIBAA-accredited and state-recognized degree from Steinbeis University, which opens up new career opportunities.

Future Learning

Study while working in individual practical projects. With us, you learn in the work process and not just from textbooks.

Without a university entrance qualification

This MBA degree is also possible without a university entrance qualification if you have the relevant practical experience.

Education & Career

This MBA enables you to continue your education while taking the next steps in your career.

Online study

We offer you an online-based, flexible and self-organized learning experience in the Social Blended Learning concept.

University partner SIBE

The MBA is completed 50% each at the Swiss Connect Academy and at the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) in 15 months according to the adjacent structure.

SIBE, a Graduate School for Leadership & Management at Steinbeis University in Herrenberg, has realized over 5,000 projects in companies with its students in 30 years.

Its degree programs are state-recognized and FIBAA-accredited. SIBE's quality management system is system-accredited and it is a member of the AACSB, which underlines its high international quality standards.

Implementation SCA

Implementation of SIBE

Fundamentals of scientific work

Leadership and people management

Strategy-oriented management

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Organizational and project management

Marketing and sales

International Management
Corporate Finance

Project study work

Applied research methods and transfer project

Master Thesis

MBA Modules

Integrated Management is a management approach that combines various management disciplines in a holistic system.

The aim is to enable students to create synergies, reduce costs, improve decision-making processes and promote a strategy-oriented corporate culture.

The course focuses on the development of soft skills, values and competencies, while hard skills, up-to-date knowledge and qualifications, form the necessary basis for this.

Leadership & People Management

Module 1

Organizational and project management

Module 4

Corporate Finance

Module 7

Strategy-oriented management

Module 2

Marketing & Sales

Module 5

Project study work

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Module 3

International Management

Module 6

Methods for applied research and transfer projects

Master's thesis

Structure of the modules

The course of study is integrated into the profession and alternates between online meetings of the learning groups and self-organized learning phases.

We meet once for a kick-off in presence to plan the self-organized learning. Afterwards, you learn on the job, independent of time and place, via our AI-based Learning Experience Platform and the SIBE E-Campus. Social videos and well-founded feedback optimize your leadership skills.

Each module includes a practical project that is tailored to your individual values and skills objectives and agreed with your line manager. The results of these projects, summarized in transfer papers, form the basis for the assessment of learning success.

These practical projects place particular demands on the students’ attitude and ability to act. Examples of this are:

  • Systematic process for developing innovations in one’s own business area
  • Strategic repositioning of one’s own business area
  • Optimization of business processes in one’s own division
  • Concept for the targeted development of values and skills of your own employees
  • Initiating team processes and providing goal-oriented support
  • Solution-oriented, empathetic and systematic optimization of your own leadership actions

Our study guides

Margit Heipmann
Expert in communication and organizational development, senior trainer consultant, coach and lecturer with a teaching diploma HF
Our learning facilitator and moderator Margit Heipmann is a competent asset to our team. In particular, she has extensive expertise in leadership and management and enjoys working successfully with people.

Her experience in facilitating and accompanying workshops, training sessions and coaching throughout the entire learning process enables efficient, self-organized learning processes for her participants.

Prof. Dr. Werner Sauter
Senior Consultant der Swiss Connect Academy Deutschland GmbH
Scientific Director of the ValCom® Institute
Our learning guide and study companion Werner Sauter studied economics and holds a doctorate in educational psychology, was a vocational school teacher, head of personnel development at a state bank, head of department at the BW Cooperative State University and board member of an e-learning company in the Klett network.

With more than 30 years of experience in learning consulting and continuing education, he has helped many organizations to design, develop and implement innovative learning systems. Together with Prof. Dr. Erpenbeck and Roman Sauter, he has significantly developed the concept of targeted value and competence development. Werner Sauter is an author, blogger and speaker.


Frequently Asked Questions​

Do you require further information about our courses?

MBA Management training

  • Management trainees and managers, including those without a university entrance qualification, who want to obtain an MBA degree from a renowned university.
  • Junior managers who are about to take on their first management role and want to develop their management knowledge at university level as well as their attitude and management skills as a manager.
  • Experienced managers who want to further develop their management knowledge at university level and reflect on their current management concept in order to analyze and evaluate it, develop it further in a targeted manner and implement it in their management actions in a value-oriented manner.
  • Depending on your individual career and professional experience, it is possible to be admitted to this MBA program in Integrated Management without a university entrance qualification or university degree.
  • The admission requirements are therefore assessed individually for each applicant. There is also an aptitude test in the form of a written essay and an oral examination by SIBE and SCA.
  • Fully completed application form (see bottom of this page)
  • Additionally submitted by email to
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form (incl. description of at least 2 years of activities with leadership, management, or project experience)
  • Letter of motivation in which you explain the reasons for taking up the degree program and, if applicable, the equivalence of the professional qualifications you have obtained to date with those of a completed undergraduate degree program.
  • After the initial review of your data, we will request individual supporting documents (e.g. vocational training, time spent studying abroad, work certificates or university certificates) in line with your CV Depending on your individual career and professional experience, it is possible to be admitted to this MBA program in Integrated Management without a university entrance qualification or university degree.
  • 1st part of the course at SCA Deutschland GmbH €8,100 plus VAT (modules 1-6)
  • 2nd part of the program at SIBE 9,900,-€ plus VAT (module 7, transfer projects, project study, and master thesis)
  • €1,200 per month
  • Duration: 15 months
  • 0% financing
  • Paid off upon graduation

The next courses start on 9. October 2024 and 6. March 2025

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